Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I Will Stand

How can I feel so abandoned
When I have always believed
I was doing what was commanded

where are you
where are you
you said you would never leave me
that evil couldn't deceive me
I would never walk alone

but now I
stand here frozen
how could we be the chosen

with a life in tatters
how do we know what matters
searching and seeking
always believing

I will stand
I will stand against this day
My knees will bow down to pray
TO YOU, and I will believe

my life is what matters
you took what was in tatters
and healed me ... with your blood

I will stand
I will not listen to lies
I will not be frozen
We are part of the chosen
 and will glorify you name
Praising all tests and times that came
 to strengthen me.

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